Monthly Archives: August 2012

Elisa Holder Captures the Imagination

Wrapping up our summer, my husband and I took a drive over to Waynesville. Located only 25 miles from Asheville, Waynesville is an absolutely adorable town with a great main street. For a relatively small location, it actually boasts quite a few galleries and specialty shops. My favorite gallery in the area if the Earthworks Environmental Gallery. Celebrating their 20th… (more…)

The Bele Chere Music and Arts Festival

Anyone who lives remotely close to the South knows that last weekend was the Bele Chere music and arts festival. This 34th edition of the largest free arts and music street festival in the South east is a site worth beholding. It includes the best of everything – music, food, beer, art, entertainment and more. The festival first began in… (more…)