New Exhibit Opening in Chicago

If you live in Chicago or are passing through, you may want to check out the Life Force Arts Centre in Chicago. The exhibit opens on May 13 and will last until August 22, 2017. The exhibition includes a fascinating theme about how art can play a role in healing people’s nerves and anxieties.

At the exhibit, Sujata Tibrewala will be showing her work “Music Within” which is an acrylic on canvas work.  As her bio explains: “Sujata Tibrewala, a self-taught artist come engineer remarkably embodies the indomitable spirit of human existence through her works. Her works revolve around the theme of eco-feminism. She has exhibited her artworks in some of the most reputed venues around the globe such as University of Illinois, Chicago, Raw San Jose, Parallax Art Fair London, the Regional Commission of Arts St Louis, Life Force Arts Chicago, Mindworks Gallery Chesterfield, St. Louis Artists’ Guild, Chesterfield Arts, Art World Association, Women’s Caucus for the Arts, MySLART and Lalit Kala Academy, Delhi.”

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