A Visit to the Jan Krugier Gallery

When I was last in New York I had the joy of visiting the Jan Krugier Gallery.  It was a major fixture in the community for decades and was located, most recently, on Madison Avenue.  I always enjoyed seeing the 19th and 20th century art and the original prints that they displayed and I loved when I’d get to see a museum-quality exhibition.

I was surprised to hear, in 2010, that the New York gallery would be closing and that everything would be centered, soon, at the Galerie Krugier & Cie in Geneva.

So, of course, it was an obvious choice while we were in Geneva to stop by and see the Geneva branch.  Tzila Krugier explained this transition and move as follows: “I have decided to center the Krugier company in Geneva where I live and where the family’s business has been conducted since 1962. Of course we will continue to be very active in New York and in the United States. Our clients here will continue to be very important to us, and our relationships with galleries and dealers, developed over the past 40 years, will be preserved and made even stronger. But I have decided that the most efficient and effective way to conduct our business is to consolidate all operations in Geneva.”

The Geneva gallery was as lovely as I remembered the New York one being.  It features many of the stunning originals that made the Jan Krugier Gallery so well known.  They explained at the gallery that Ms. Krugier is planning, at this point, to devote a good deal of time to develop the Jan Krugier Foundation which will be established in honor of her father.  The Foundation will be organizing exhibitions of the family’s incredible private collection of paintings, drawings and prints and will have them at various museums throughout the world. Now that will be something worth following!

For now, I soaked in the Picassos and greatly enjoyed the Klee that was on display. I’m hoping to catch more of their work as they start up with their Foundation.  What a treat!

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